Using the Maps
The results of the analysis are maps for each decade of analysis (JRME 1970s, JRME 1980s, JRME 1990s, JRME 2000s, JRME 2010s, ESM 2010s, and flm 2010s) and the complete JRME network (JRME 1970s-2010s). Static maps--the result of running both ForceAtlas2 (force-directed layout) and Louvain Modularity (modularity class identification)--are exported as images and shared here. For each static map, an interactive map is also shared.
The map of the JRME 1970s is shown in above as one example. While the entirety of this map is unpacked in the dissertation, for the interested reader, the circles indicate the general location of each bubble and the numbers correspond to the following 18 bubbles of research in the 1970s JRME:
(1) Computers and Statistical Methods in Mathematics Education,
(2) Piaget’s Spatial Concepts,
(3) Piaget’s Developmental Psychology,
(4) Learning Sequences and Manipulatives,
(5) Statistical Psychology of Learning,
(6) International Comparative Assessment,
(7) Heuristics and Processes of Problem Solving,
(8) Effect of Activity-Oriented Instruction,
(9) The Learning of Basic Facts,
(10) Quantitative Research Methods,
(11) Factors for Differences in Achievement,
(12) Logic,
(13) Geometry Secondary Mathematics Learning,
(14) Conceptual Organizers and Assessment,
(15) Attitude towards Mathematical Topics,
(16) Word Problems,
(17) Ability-Instruction Interaction, and
(18) Attitude and Learning.
These names, together with the map and labelled bubbles shows the analysis that I provide for each of the journals and each of the decades. These bubbles denote the different research foci of the field and their relative centrality/marginality to the field during that decade.
Use Cases
Since another objective of this research, aligning with objective 5 of cartography, is to enable the further exploration, these static images are not the only output. Another output is fully interactive maps--both of these maps are available on this website. T​he Math Education Atlas was developed with the hope that new and established mathematics education researchers, graduate students, and professors of graduate courses will each find the maps useful--even if in different ways. I have listed some of the imagined possible uses for each (not necessarily disjoint) group. You are welcome to use these maps in these and any other way. If you think of a new use case that you think others would benefit from, please let me know and I can add them to the lists.
Mathematics Education Researchers
A mathematics education researcher might:
Use the decade maps to discuss the history of the field of mathematics education research
Use the bubble names to identify distinct foci of research within the field
Use the articles within a bubble when conducting a literature review or similar survey
Explore the interactive maps to trace their research and its uptake
Explore the interactive maps to find research related to an interest or given article
Study the maps to explore the differences between journals and the research published within each
Study the interactive maps and share novel noticings and patterns within the citation data
Study which articles bridge which bubbles and their role in connecting research within the field
Discuss the locations of the bubbles within each map to argue for gaps that exist between various research foci
See gaps within the maps to identify future avenues for research
Critically evaluate the position of bubbles within maps to discuss
Graduate Students
A graduate student might:
Look at each map to make sense of the field of mathematics education research: see what research foci exist, situate their interests within the ongoing research, identify gaps, etc.
Use the decade maps to see the shifts within the field of mathematics education research
Use the articles within a bubble when conducting a literature review or similar survey
Explore the interactive maps to find research related to an interest or given article
Study the maps to explore the differences between journals and the research published within each
Study the interactive maps and share novel noticings and patterns within the citation data
Study which articles bridge which bubbles and their role in connecting research within the field
Discuss the locations of the bubbles within each map to argue for gaps that exist between various research foci
See gaps within the maps to identify future avenues for research
Teaching Graduate Courses
A professor teaching a graduate course might:
Use the maps to orient their students to the research foci of the field of mathematics education research
Use the decade maps to illustrate shifts within the field of mathematics education research
Assign students to unpack bubbles, within a single decade or across multiple decades, as a way to compare and contrast approaches to mathematics education research
Have students compare and contrast the maps of different journals and different decades