In these maps, I identify the bubbles of research published within the JRME between 1970 and 2019. For each decade, I identify and name the bubbles that constitute the research foci of the field as published within this journal. This spherological analysis (Sloterdijk, 2011, 2016) considers the bubbles and foams formed by the 1,090 published in the JRME between 1970 and 2019. These articles together include 33,273 citations. This analysis shows what counts as mathematics education research is fluid. The shift in which topics comprise the foams of each decade and the the shifting position of the bubbles across time reveals the field's volatility.
In these maps, I identify the bubbles of research published within flm between 2010 and 2017. For these years, I identify and name the bubbles that constitute the research foci of the field as published within this journal. This spherological analysis (Sloterdijk, 2011, 2016) considers the bubbles and foam formed by the 187 articles published during this time. These articles together include 3,595 citations. This analysis, when contrasted with the bubbles from the 2010s in the JRME and in ESM, shows what counts as mathematics education research depends on the context in which it is published.
In these maps, I identify the bubbles of research published within ESM between 2010 and 2016. For these years, I identify and name the bubbles that constitute the research foci of the field as published within this journal. This spherological analysis (Sloterdijk, 2011, 2016) considers the bubbles and foam formed by the 445 articles published during this time. These articles together include 18,628 citations. This analysis, when contrasted with the bubbles from the 2010s in the JRME and in flm, shows what counts as mathematics education research depends on the context in which it is published.
Future Plans
Future plans for maps of research journals include:
ZDM Mathematics Education
The International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Mathematical Thinking and Learning
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education Research Journal
Future plans for maps of math teacher educator journals include:
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Mathematics Teacher Educator
Future plans for maps of practitioner journals include:
Teaching Children Mathematics
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Mathematics Teacher